Benjamin’s Birth Story: Dealing with the unexpected

Vulnerable post alert.

Watching my son, happily playing with his sister on his second birthday, I am so in love. It is indescribable.


Meeting Benjamin for the first time.

The very first time I laid eyes on him wasn’t the picture perfect moment I dreamed of.

I have one kidney and high blood pressure. Both my pregnancies were high risk. With Benjamin I was on bed rest on top of it all. Eight weeks in bed when I wanted an active pregnancy. Sometimes we do not get what we plan.

His birthday was supposed to be March 27th; a scheduled c-section that was going to go routinely. He had other plans. Ben decided he was ready a week early and I WAS NOT prepared for what was to follow. 

A happy day turned into one of the most traumatic days of my life. We were SO HAPPY he was here and he was healthy, but how the day unfolded and how we were treated left us extremely upset (that is a whole other story).

I went into labour naturally. I tried pushing a few times but Benjamin didn’t budge. He was turned the wrong way. And I was SCARED. My request for the c-section I had prepared for mentally was finally heard but at this point it was an emergency. Ben’s heart rate dropped and with no time I was put completely asleep. I don’t remember that part at all. Or the 8 hours after.

The surgery did not go smoothly. It went very wrong. SO WRONG. I was left with major injuries. I required bladder reconstruction, and uterus/cervix repair. I lost a lot of blood. I was later told I could have died. Thankfully I had an AMAZING surgeon who masterfully put me back together. His urology specialty is actually female pelvic health.


It was eight hours before I would be reunited with Benjamin. On fentanyl and dilaudid I woke up to a large box of blood by my head “just in case”.  Luckily it was never needed. My first hours with little Benjamin are a complete blur. There are so many things I only “remember” because of pictures. But I remember being so in love looking at his sweet face, a feeling that eventually overtook the pain and physical trauma. But it was a long road.

I went home with a stent in my one kidney to make sure I had no blockages while my bladder healed. This caused me pain in my side every time I walked more than 10 minutes. And its removal two months later was PAINFUL. I also went home with a catheter for two weeks. Imagine dragging that around with you as you’re trying to manoeuvre with a c-section scar and a newborn baby.

My recovery was long. It was long and hard and at times frustrating. What was supposed to be an active pregnancy and smooth c-section recovery turned into months of pain, bladder issues, and effects on my mental health that came and went for nearly two years.

But I am getting back to myself physically and mentally, though it hasn’t been easy.

After a long pause for a broken foot, and various other difficult circumstances, I am getting back into a consistent workout routine. I am working on building the endurance I once had. It isn’t easy and I am far from where I used to be but that is okay.  I am here and I am able to move. I am alive and healthy with a healthy 2-year old who brings me joy.


Post workout sweaty selfie.

Why share all this? Because, as mothers, we put so much pressure on ourselves. So much unnecessary pressure. We want the perfect birth story and the quick “snap back” to our pre-baby body. But that isn’t always our story.

I want you to hear that whatever you’ve been through, whatever the struggles, no matter how long it takes, DON’T give up! Progress isn’t a straight line. Goals aren’t realized overnight.

I am not where I thought I would be two years after giving birth but that is okay. It is okay because this is life and things do not always go as planned and sometimes we have to make peace with that and start again.

I know this wasn’t the journey I scripted for myself, for my last two years, but it has shown me just what I am made of and I like to think a part of that is strength and hope.

Fitness trackers: Yay or nay?

Hey readers! Hope you had an awesome holiday and are rockin’ 2016 so far. It’s been awhile since I updated this blog so it’s about time I get down to that!

Here’s my latest health and fitness article…are fitness trackers all they’re cracked up to be? Do you love ’em or do you leave ’em? I’d love to know your thoughts!

Check out the link to read the full article!

Fuelling Women Champions: Sprint freestyler Sandrine Mainville

Here’s my latest article for the Fuelling Women Champions initiative! Got to talk with Sandrine Mainville and learned a lot about the importance of balance in every aspect of life.

I have loved talking with these inspiring women, hearing about their passion and drive for what they do! Check back for more profiles!

Click the link to read the full article at sandrineSwimming Canada:

About Fuelling Women Champions:

Canada’s dairy farmers are fuelling a movement to break down the barriers that Canadian women athletes face. Help them advance Canadian women in sports.

Fuelling Women Champions: Olympian Audrey Lacroix

AudreySo excited to be a part of the Dairy Farmers of Canada’s initiative to promote women in sport. I am writing profiles on top female swimmers and am thrilled to share my first one, a look at Olympic Swimmer Audrey Lacroix, with you all!

Click the link below to read the story:

Audrey Lacroix: Still dreaming, still learning

Keep checking back for more profiles. These women are amazing and are an inspiration to female athletes across the country!

About Fuelling Women Champions:

Dairy Farmers of Canada: Fuelling Women Champions

The skinny on alcohol: low-calorie drinks for any occasion

lowcalA special birthday party, a family get together, dinner with friends, a long week at work, a stressful day at home. These are all instances where it’s nice to kick back and relax with your favourite drink. I know I LOVE a cold glass of white wine after my preschooler is tucked away in bed.

However, too many indulgences, especially ones high in sugar, will show up on your waistline if you’re not careful. A frozen margarita or pina colada can have almost 1000 calories, a mudslide is well over the 500 calorie mark, and a Long Island Iced Tea can contain close to 53 grams of carbs (mostly all sugar). 

So what are the best options for those times when you really want to imbibe but not blow all your hard work?

5 low-calorie (yet still yummy) alcoholic beverages:

  1. A 6 oz. glass of white wine- usually comes in under 140 calories.
  2. Rum and diet coke- a single shot is around 65 calories.
  3. Light beer (Coors Light, Bud Light, Moose Light)- a 12 oz. can contains about 100 calories.
  4. Gin and tonic- tasty and refreshing this drink is only has 110 calories in 1 oz. of gin and 3 oz. of tonic.
  5. Sea Breeze (twist on vodka-cranberry)- with 4 oz. of grapefruit juice, 1½ oz. of cranberry juice, and 1 oz. of vodka is around 180 calories.

Runners high or inner huntress?

runnerSo I came across this article that I thought was super interesting. It’s outlining a study done on what causes the “runner’s high” so many people experience.

While many think it’s endorphins they are feeling these researchers claim it is our inner hunter searching for food, encouraging our body to run faster! They say if our body isn’t fully satiated it will kick into hunting mode giving us that cloud nine feeling! What do you think?

Check out the article and let me know!

Runners High Is Caused By Hormone Leptin, Says New Study

Fitness- 5 ways to fit it in to your busy life

Ever find yourself in the daily grind wishing you had more time for…well…you? I know I’ve been there. Many times! What would you even do with that time? Read? Sleep? Watch a movie? Workout? If finding more time for fitness is something you’re yearning to do you’re not alone.

bellmessI have a three year old and she LOVES to play with me. I have a house that needs cleaning and meals that need made. There are groceries to buy and clothes to wash. I get. It can seem overwhelming to fit exercise into that busy schedule, especially if you are working full time outside of the home. But, with some creative thinking and a little bit of maneuvering you really can make it work. And you should!

Here are 5 ways you can make time for fitness while balancing your busy life:

  1. Make a plan- schedule your workouts like you would schedule a meeting with your boss. If you have to, put it in your calendar so it pops up on your screen daily.
  2. Find 10 minutes 3 times a day- if you can’t seem to find 30 minutes to devote to exercise all at once, break it up! Take three 10 minute walks at different points of the day. It all adds up!
  3. Press “play”- getting to the gym can be difficult so finding some great workout DVDs may make it more likely you’ll workout on those days you just don’t feel like leaving the house. I suggest T25. It’s short and extremely effective!
  4. Get it done early- set your alarm and workout before you do anything else. If you get your workout done early you won’t have it looming at the end of the day. I know 5:30am sounds dreadful but you’ll feel amazing. Trust me!
  5. Make it a group effort- get your kids, spouse, aunt, neighbour, best friend, etc. out with you. Socializing while you’re working out will not only make it fun but will build your relationships too.